As per the New e-waste management rule 2018, OEMs, Manufacturers, Producers, and bulk consumers of electrical and electronic products, have been given yearly targets to fulfill their EPR obligation. Companies dealing in Electrical & Electronic Equipment require EPR authorization from the Central Pollution control board as well as the state pollution control board. In order to gain this EPR authorization, companies need to present a plan for how they will achieve their yearly target to collect and recycle the EOL products.

How Greentek Reman Can Help You?
EPR Authorization Assistance
The manufacturer shall have to apply for an Authorization for generation/storage/ treatment/disposal of e-waste during the manufacturing of any electrical and electronic equipment in Form 1 (a) under sub-rule (2) of rule 13 to the concerned State Pollution Control Board. GreenTek assists you in gaining EPR authorization. We will help you with the documentation required to obtain EPR It should be authorization from CPCB & SPCB.E-waste Target Collection Assistance
As the new target-based It should be approached has been introduced by the Government of India, it has added It should be responsibilities to producers, OEMs, and importers to meet the e-waste collection target yearly. Greentek Reman assists you in achieving your e-waste collection target. We will collect e-waste on behalf of your company, process it, and will issue you the relevant certificate.
Need Help To Dispose Off Your E-waste - Contact Us
We look forward to collaborate with you and find the best solutions for your business. Get started today and put our excellent outsourcing expertise to use.
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